GIF Files - Animation Properties

Use Animated Properties on the Animation menu to resize the image, set the number of times to loopthe animated GIF, and select the background color.

The Animation Properties box includes:

  1. Animation Width
    Set by the width of the largest frame that composes the animated GIF.

  2. Animation Height
    Set by the height of the largest frame that composes the animated GIF.

    You cannot resize the animated GIF below the height or width of the largest frame. If you attempt to do so, you will see the following warning:

    Click OK to return to the GIF Animation Library screen.

  3. Loop Count
    Set the loop count to the default zero (0) to have the animation run indefinitely. If you want to limit the number of times it will loop, type the number here.

  4. Click on OK to return to the GIF Animation Library sceen.

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